We are living in unprecedented times, more than ever we need to be deeply connected to our own power and intuition/inner knowing so that we can easily discern what is Truth and what is illusion. 

"The Crystal Skulls urge us to awaken. They are a form of remembering the past and creating the future. They make us aware of the life in the Universe we occupy, in the trees and the plants, even the rocks and the stones. They remind us of the gift of life Mother Earth has given to all her children. We are all part of the great mystery that is creation................

...........the Crystal Skulls remind us that we are all spiritual beings in physical bodies and that we are all intimately related to all other things. The Crystal Skulls show us we need to honor the spirit within us and the spirit in everything around us. Only then will we be able to find peace within ourselves and celebrate our connection with all our fellow beings..."

Chris Morton & Ceri Louise Thomas

"The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls"


The Crystal Skulls are here to assist Us on the journey back to Our Hearts, to anchor Pure Unconditional Love on the Earth NOW!